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- Written by: Cyberserenity Vella
- Category: NewWorlds
- Hits: 6785

Today I was reading about how Microsoft are moving in the same direction as Apple and build a more closed system for Windows 8. I can see how this is the way forward for the big software company´s. More control and more money.
It is a great opportunity for Linux to be a new standard for indie game developing. I have been running a cluster of Linux machines now for for more than fifteen years. It is stable and today it works good and Linden lab have showed us that you can make a complicated game software that work on Linux: The Second life viewer works better on my OpenSUSE workstation. (Not last week someone f.. up.)
But there is a but as always.
We need some standards. Library´s and a better way to update the drives for the graphic cards. But that is it. And it would be possible to create a distribution that could work as gaming platform. Steam is on Linux but of course not many games run on Linux. Maybe steam could create a gaming platform or maybe Google. Android for the PC.
I use Windows. I still use Windows XP because I have some great developing tools that only work on the XP. I have a Xbox and a Ipad. I run Vista and 7 to.
They are all great tools for creating games and virtual worlds.
But I want a new system. Linux that work with games and make me free to run whatever I want not a big global corporation. I do not believe big company´s are my friend´s they just want my money. Maybe there is someone out there that want to get rich on making the first really good Linux gaming system.
I hope so.