- Details
- Written by: Cyberserenity Vella
- Category: NewWorlds
- Hits: 7100

My house in Cloud Party is looking ok now. And it works on my windows machines but not on Linux.
I still do not know what to do. I find it difficult to get around. The layout with small islands is good from a programmers perspective but not as a visitor. It is just must simpler to understand the concept of a world with a landmass.
It looks great and goes easy on the graphics card even with everything on.
I think that many avatars goes back to MMO gaming now. It is nice to meet friends and do a quest or just hang out in Ogrimmar,
As I am going deep into Opensim developing right now I really try to find the future for all these virtual worlds. There must be more than sex and role play,
We need things to do.