- Details
- Written by: Rebecca de Milneaux
- Category: Fashion news
- Hits: 1139

Just travel and have to do some reading. SL is a cool place.
Just travel and have to do some reading. SL is a cool place.
Do not know if there are gay vampires but I believe so. Rebecca's there anyway. Another missed opportunity.
Sketching some new clothes. Working with mesh now. It works better for things hanging and shrinkles.
I have started work on a new menswear collection for Second life. I think that men should have the opportunity to have a nice stylish wardrobe.
I think i will call it the Ipad collection because i do the sketches on my Ipad. Really need a better tool for making fashion in SL.
I have too dream something up.
My work in fashion started many years ago when i did some dresses for my avatars in Second life. Now i do it for fun and it is useful. If it is in a game or a virtual world everybody needs something to wear. The competition in Second life with all the great designers everywhere is fun too. So many talented designers and i hope that in the future some of them will work for us making nice collections.
I hope many avatars around the virtual worlds will appreciate my work. See you around the web.