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I should have worked but a trip to the Forgotten city had me walking around for hours.


It is a great build and I did as I do in RL city's. Walked around and found new exciting stuff around every corner. The build feels very big because the use of different elevations and everything connects by elevators. I did not want to flyForgotten2 around and waited nice for all elevators. Just the feel of discovering made it so much more worth it.

And I am a Steampunk buff so I loved it so much more there was a model railway to and I was totally hooked.

A airship ride shows of the city nicely from the air.


Me and some of the excellent 3d sculptures. Yes I was dressed for the occasion.

This could have been a setting for a game. There are several games in there somewhere and I think it is possible to do some gaming in SL even on a one island build if it is clever.

The build is done by Jenne Dibou she got a blog at and a store with a lot of very nice designs in the Forgotten city. You just have to go and see it.