Welcome to the Digital kittens developer grid. The dev grid is the place for Digital kittens to do tests and develop software and graphics.

This grid is hypergrid enabled at 




But it is not always on or could be slow sometimes.

It is for experimental purposes, to test stuff and sometimes break stuff.

Not all islands are on at all times.

What sims are online depends on what we are working on at the moment.


There are around 20 islands.But some are just full of crazy builds and test stuff.

It is a place for co op work over VPN and our Skype connections.



There are a limit of 5 avatars on any island at the moment. If you are on a safari.


We are still ironing out bugs.




We now have a High Fidelity Server on the grid to. Place name is hifi://2worlds2go.

There is some problem with the connection to High Fidelity but you should be able to use
