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- Written by: Anna Lorentzson
- Category: Developer news
- Hits: 35604

After all virtual world stuff I needed to do something else and when I got a new offer on Poser 9 I decided to give it a chance. I have been using Poser 5 for making animations to Second life and cleaning up anims for the Kinect before. But it starts to get outdated.
I am happy to say that not much have changed in the user interface so I really could just jump right in to it. Most changes in the background and some damping when you set up the figure. That’s great for me because I always get the figure to spin its legs and arms around in all directions.
Now I can go back and clean up those animations I made for my cameras in SL.
For 30$ US and Swedish tax. It was really a good buy. And I can also do some nice pictures just for fun and for my illustration and design web site.